Recipe - Beetroot Horseradish Dip

recipe May 30, 2024

Beetroot (beets if you are Stateside!) are a stalwart of liver support, as they contain the highest amount of a substance TMG (tri-methyl glycine) that is crucial for detoxification and other conversion processes that take place in the liver. The kick of horseradish belies the substances that it contains that help the liver heal and regenerate. It contains significant amounts of cancer-fighting compounds called glucosinolates, which increase the liver's ability to detoxify carcinogens; substances that prompt our production of cancer cells.

Having this dip to hand a few times a week can support all liver processes, including metabolism and blood sugar balance.

Cooking time: 1 hour (although you can opt to buy pre-cooked beetroot if you would like to make a quick dip)
Prep time: 10-15 minutes
(serves 4-6)

4 beetroots (approx. 250g/8oz.)
10-15g/ ½ oz. fresh rosemary
50ml balsamic vinegar
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
½ tsp salt
2-3 tsp fresh grated horseradish (if unavailable you could use a ready made jarred horseradish sauce instead)
1 tsp lemon zest
1-2 tsp chopped rosemary
Juice of ½ lemon
½ tsp black pepper
1 tbsp. olive oil

For crème fraiche accompaniment (if required);
1 tbsp. crème fraiche
2 tsp fresh grated horseradish (or 1 tsp horseradish sauce)
1-2 tsp lemon juice
Pinch salt

1. Peel the beetroot and cut into wedges then add to a greaseproof paper lined foil parcel with a few sprigs of rosemary, balsamic vinegar, salt and oil. Roast in a pre-heated oven at 200˚c/390˚F/GM6 for about an hour until the beetroot is soft.
2. (If you would like to make a speedier version or this dip you could buy pre-cooked beetroot and skip the first stage. You would then want to add a little salt, a glug of balsamic and a little more chopped rosemary to the pre-cooked beetroot).
3. Reserve any liquid from the roast beetroot parcel (or the vacuum packed packaging) as you may need this later.
4. Add beetroot to a blender with horseradish, lemon zest, chopped rosemary, lemon juice, pepper and oil and blitz until the beetroot has reached a smooth consistency. You can now add as much liquid from the roasting parcel (or beetroot packet) as needed to let down the dip to get a smooth finish. If you do not have enough liquid from the roasting you can use a little water for this instead.
5. Adjust seasoning by adding an extra squeeze of lemon or a pinch of salt if needed.

If you would like to include crème fraiche in the dip, combine crème fraiche, horseradish, lemon juice and salt in a bowl and give it a good stir to loosen up the crème fraiche. This will allow it to swirl nicely through the top of the beetroot dip when you combine them before serving.

Serving suggestion: top with a swirl of horseradish crème fraiche, a scattering of chopped rosemary, lemon zest and a sprig of rosemary.

Storage: will keep for 5-7 days in the fridge.

This recipe was first featured in the Whole Health ebook on Detoxification Foods and is now part of the extensive recipe, nutrition and self-care database within that online membership. Discover Whole Health with Charlotte here, featuring access to many more recipes, yoga classes, meditations, natural health webinars, supplement discounts and more...