Cacao, Almond, Date and Flax Smoothie

Sep 06, 2024

Sometimes only a sweet fix will do and we need to honour and go with that! A health-giving form that incorporates digestive-supporting elements allows us to enjoy that soothing guilt-free, relieving any extra internally generated stress. In this gorgeous smoothie, the sweetness is from bananas that provide potassium for nervous system regulation and tryptophan for brain-happy serotonin production.

This smoothie can make a great breakfast if you struggle to eat first thing, but need help regulating your energy and sugar cravings up to lunch.

The ingredients support our body-mind health in a variety of ways, including these which support female hormone health and as you'll see, also link into how body system work together continually: 

bananas - soluble fibre (inulin) keeps bowel movements regular, very important for balancing hormones/ the amino acid tryptophan makes serotonin for mood, appetite and sugar craving regulation/ potassium helps regulate body fluids and calm the nervous system

ground flax/linseed - provide soluble fibre and omega 3 oils for liver support (where hormones are produced and regulated)/ when soaked, linseed produces a mucillage which both hydrates the bowel for healthy gut motility and microbiome, and also provide lignans, which actively regulate female hormones

dates - provide a sweet taste that releases sugars slowly into the bloodstream for blood sugar balance; at the heart of female hormone regulation/ support the gut microbiome, aka an 'endocrine organ' in its own right ie it is part of our body-wide hormone messaging system

almond butter - almonds are a good source of soluble fibre, protein, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium and omega 3 oils, which are all needed for hormone production and utilisation/ also all needed for bone health in menopause and calcium is in good balance with magnesium in almonds

cacao nibs - a good source of calming magnesium and contains the 'love chemical' PEA, which is also in roses, and helps feelings of wellbeing

Serves 1-2

Prep time: 5 minutes


2 bananas
2 tbsp/16g ground flax/linseed
4 dates (pitted)
1 tbsp almond butter
1-2 tsp cacao nibs
400ml almond milk


1.Add all ingredients to blender and blitz for about 60 seconds until smooth.

2.Add a little extra milk if needed.


If you prefer a thicker smoothie you can freeze your bananas (pre-peeled) the night before. This is a good way to save bananas that might otherwise go to waste if they get too ripe. Frozen bananas will give a thicker consistency and also keep your smoothie cooler longer if you should wish to transport it anywhere with you in the morning. If you don’t have almond butter you can use whole or ground almonds instead, as long as your blender has a strong enough motor.

You can soak the flax/linseed overnight before using to activate their potential (forming a mucillage) for extra gut and female hormone support. You can also use soaked whole flaxseeds or chia seeds here instead for the same effect, but the whole seeds not ground or soaked are not likely to be digested as they are too small to be chewed and broken down easily - especially in a smoothie that we drink!

You can also use other ground or milled seed mixes.

You can also substitute some or all of the ground flaxseed with maca powder for adrenal or hormone regulating action.


Will keep for 1-2 days in the fridge if you have made more than you need.

If having for breakfast on mornings where you have little time, it can be made the night before and ready in the fridge in a large travel cup

This recipe was first featured in the Whole Health ebook on Soothing Foods for Heightened Stress Responses and is now part of the extensive recipe, nutrition and self-care database within that online membership. Discover Whole Health with Charlotte here, featuring access to many more recipes, yoga classes, meditations, natural health webinars, supplement discounts and more...